Continuous School Improvement Plan
Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.
This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.
School Profile Information
School: Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School
Principal: Kristine Hickey
Enrollment: 847
School Vision Statement
ABMS is a learning community dedicated to engaging and supporting students and families by preparing students to be successful, valuable contributors to society.
School Mission Statement
The ABMS community ensures students attain their highest levels of growth and development by fostering:
- A safe and secure learning environment embracing a culture of inclusiveness
- Engaging learning opportunities in which students critically think, collaborate, communicate, create, and contribute
- A dedication to authentic and innovative learning experiences
Goal #1
By June 1, 2025, unadjusted pass rates will increase by 5% percentage points above the baseline for all student groups in all SOL-tested content areas.
Student Measure #1:
85% of all students will be proficient in the classroom using evidence-based, tier 1 instructional strategies measured by IXL, Edia, and common assessments.
Student Measure #2:
85% of students will demonstrate growth on content-specific assessments (VGA and SOL performance data).
Staff Measure #1:
By June 2025, after receiving professional learning in evidenced-based practices based on data-informed decisions, 6th-8th grade teachers will demonstrate the application of these practices gathered through a review of lesson plans created during CLTs and/or observations using a common walkthrough tool.
Staff Measure #2:
By June 2025, teachers will create and implement lessons aligned with the content and cognitive depth of the standards and demonstrate evidence-based practices, and engage in data-based conversations to make instructional decisions. (weekly content planning minutes).
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track |
Math - the percentage of growth since August 2024 based on data from Edia Assessments:
English - based on the English Reading SOLs taught during Quarter 1 the average percentage for each grade on the Benchmark assessment is as follows:
Science cumulative progress towards standards based on data from Formative unit checks
Q2 | On Track |
Math - the percentage of growth since August 2024 based on data from Edia Assessments:
English - based on the English Reading SOLs taught during Quarter 2 the average percentage for each grade on the Benchmark assessment is as follows:
(Note: Due to snow days, 118 students still need to take the Q2 Benchmark) Science
Q3 | ||
Q4 |
Goal #2
By June 1, 2025, staff attendance will improve from baseline by 10%.
Student Measure #1:
By June 2025, students will be with their certified assigned teacher at least 95% of the time.
Staff Measure #1:
By June 2025, teacher and paraprofessional in-school attendance will increase from baseline by 10% .
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | Teacher Attendance (percentage present):
Q2 |
Q3 | ||
Q4 |
For more information about Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.
Quarterly Events
- September 6, 2024
- October 24, 2024
- January 8, 2025
- April 10, 2025